Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 20 pp 11331—11368

Exosome and lipid metabolism-related genes in pancreatic adenocarcinoma: a prognosis analysis


Figure 12. PPI network analysis. (A) PPI network of hub genes. (B) PPI network of functionally similar genes analysis in Hub genes. Black circles with white slashes represent the input hub genes, and other black circles without white slashes represent predicted functionally similar genes; red lines represent physical interactions among genes, purple lines represent co-expression relationships among genes, yellow lines represent shared protein domains among genes, blue lines represent co-localization relationships among genes, and green lines represent genetic interactions among genes. (C) An interaction network of mRNA-miRNA in hub genes. The yellow circle represents mRNA; the blue square represents miRNA. (D) An interaction network of mRNA-TFs in hub genes. The yellow circle represents mRNA; the blue diamond shape represents TFs. PPI, protein-protein interaction; TF, Transcription Factor.