Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 20 pp 11298—11312

Single-cell landscape and spatial transcriptomic analysis reveals macrophage infiltration and glycolytic metabolism in kidney renal clear cell carcinoma


Figure 1. Gene landscape and characteristics of PGAM1 in KIRC. (A) PGAM1 gene expression levels in the male urinary system were examined. (B) The relationship between PGAM1 and nine highly mutated genes in KIRC was investigated, with mutation sites indicated by red lines. (C) The frequency of mutations was compared between PGAM1-high and PGAM1-low groups using Fisher’s exact test. Mutation types, driver mutation types, and groups are shown in the right panel. (D) A PGAM1 interaction network was generated using the Reactome database. (E, F) Univariate and multivariate Cox regression models were used to calculate hazard ratios for PGAM1 at different stages of KIRC.