Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 16 pp 8487—8500

ZBTB34 is a hepatocellular carcinoma-associated protein with a monopartite nuclear localization signal


Figure 5. ZBTB34 is a nuclear protein with a functional monopartite NLS. (A) ZBTB34 cDNA was inserted into pEGFP-N1 to create pEGFP-ZBTB34. The amino acids in NLS were replaced with Ala to create pEGFP-ZBTB34-NLSA. pEGFP-ZBTB34 (M1), pEGFP-ZBTB34 (M2), pEGFP-ZBTB34 (M3), pEGFP-ZBTB34 (M4), and pEGFP-ZBTB34 (M5) were created by replacing the Lys or Arg motifs with Ala, respectively. (B) The nuclear location of EGFP-ZBTB34 fusion proteins, the EGFP-ZBTB34-NLSA fusion protein, M1, M2, M3, M4, and M5 was analyzed using fluorescence microscopy. DNA stained with Hoechst appears blue.