Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 5 pp 4920—4942

Establishment of an immunogenic cell death-related model for prognostic prediction and identification of therapeutic targets in endometrial carcinoma


Figure 3. Identification of DEGs and underlying signal pathways in different groups. (A) Heatmap shows the DEGs in different groups; (B) Volcano plot presents the distribution of DEGs quantified between ICD-high and ICD-low groups with threshold of |log2 Fold change| > 1 and p < 0.05 in TCGA cohort; (C) Dots plot presents the top 10 of biological processes GO terms, cellular component GO terms, molecular function GO terms; (D) Dots plot presents the KEGG signaling pathway enrichment analysis. The size of the dot represents gene count, and the color of the dot represents -log10 (p. adjust-value).