Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 4 pp 3257—3279

BubR1 controls starvation-induced lipolysis via IMD signaling pathway in Drosophila


Figure 4. BubR1 suppresses lipolysis by inhibiting Relish-mediated Bmm expression upon fasting. (A) The TAG level of flies with specially expressing W1118, BubR1 RNAi#1, BubR1 RNAi#1+UAS-LacZ, UAS-Flag-Rel.68, and expressing BubR1 RNAi#1 with UAS-Flag-Rel.68 in the fat body driven by CG-GAL4 under starvation. n = 9 samples. (B) Quantification of the mean area of lipid droplets among the more than 30 ROI (region of interest) in flies under starvation with expressing W1118, BubR1 RNAi#1, UAS-Flag-Rel.68, and expressing BubR1 RNAi#1 with UAS-Flag-Rel.68 in the fat body. Each dot corresponds to one ROI. (C) Bodipy staining of flies with expressing W1118, BubR1 RNAi, UAS-Flag-Rel.68, and expressing BubR1 RNAi with UAS-Flag-Rel.68 in the fat body. Bodipy (neutral lipids; green) and Hoechst (Hoechst; blue) detected by fluorescent histochemistry. (D) The Bmm mRNA level of flies with expressing W1118, BubR1 RNAi, and expressing BubR1 RNAi with UAS-Flag-Rel.68 in the fat body via CG-GAL4. Results are representative of three biological repetitions. (E) The TAG level of flies with specially expressing W1118, BubR1 RNAi#1, BubR1 RNAi#1+UAS-LacZ and expressing BubR1 RNAi#1 with Bmm RNAi in the fat body by CG-GAL4. n = 9 samples. (F) Model of BubR1 regulating lipid metabolism under starvation. Scale bars represent 10 μm (C). Without noted, Data are presented as mean and SD. Student’s t-tests are performed. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001, and Abbreviation: n.s.: non-significant represents p > 0.05.