Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 4 pp 3257—3279

BubR1 controls starvation-induced lipolysis via IMD signaling pathway in Drosophila


Figure 3. BubR1 regulates lipid degradation via lipolysis mediated by IMD signaling pathway during acute starvation. (A) The Pearson correlation analysis between samples. (B) GO classification analysis of enriched genes in biological process in a pair-wise comparison of control to fat body-deficient BubR1 flies under starvation. (C) GSEA plots of ranked gene expression comparing fat body-deficient BubR1 with wild type and their positive (pink) and negative (purple) correlations for the indicated gene sets. Enrichment scores are represented as green lines, and the horizontal black bars indicate the position of the associated genes for each enrichment set. ES = 0.48, |NES| = 1.13, p < 0.05. (D) KEGG pathway enrichment analysis. KEGG pathway enrichment of up- or downregulated genes comparing fat body-deficient BubR1 and wild type under fast starvation. Both adjusted p-value and gene ratio denote the significance of the pathway. (E) Volcano plots of differentially expressed genes in a pair-wise comparison of control to fat body-deficient BubR1 flies in condition of fast starvation. (F) Relative mRNA levels of DptA, pirk, Relish and Bmm in flies with expressing W1118, BubR1 RNAi#1 and BubR1 RNAi#2 in the fat body driven by CG-GAL4 before or after starvation. The p-values were calculated from respective control by an unpaired Student’s t-test. Results are representative of three biological repetitions (mean ± SD). Student’s t-tests are performed. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001.