Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 3 pp 2657—2678

Identification of an angiogenesis-related risk score model for survival prediction and immunosubtype screening in multiple myeloma


Figure 5. Construction and validation of the prognostic AAG_score model. (A) LASSO coefficient profiles of 26 DEGs related to immunity and prognosis. (B) Tenfold cross-validation for tuning parameter selection in the LASSO model. According to log(λ), the partial likelihood deviation graph was drawn, where λ is the tuning parameter. Partial likelihood deviation values are displayed, and the error bars indicate SEs. Dotted vertical lines are drawn at the optimal values according to the minimum criteria and 1-SE criteria. (C) The optimal cutoff point for dichotomizing patients into low and high AAG_score groups were determined by the survminer R package. The optimal cutoff value was 0.82. (D) Percentage of deaths in the high- and low-risk groups as the AAG_score increased. Expression patterns of 11 selected molecules in different risk groups. (E) Overall survival analysis of risk groups using Kaplan–Meier curves. (F) ROC analysis of the ability of the AAG_score to predict 1-, 3-, and 5-year OS and its specificity. (G) Alluvial diagram showing the changes in the AAG clusters, gene clusters, AAG_scores, and clinical outcomes. (H) Differences in the AAG_scores among the three AAG clusters. (I) Differences in the AAG_scores between the two gene subgroups.