Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 2 pp 1555—1580

Joint analysis of proteome, transcriptome, and multi-trait analysis to identify novel Parkinson’s disease risk genes


Figure 2. Manhattan plots for the PD PWASs in the human brain and plasma proteomes. Manhattan plot for the PWAS integrating the PD GWAS with the ROSMAP proteomes (n= 376) (A), Banner proteomes (n= 152) (B), plasma proteomes (n= 152) (C). Each dot on the x-axis represents a gene, and the association strength on the y-axis represents the -log10(p) of PWAS. Proteome-wide significance level was set at p < 4.36×10-5 (adjusted by Bonferroni multiple testing correction method) for the Banner dataset. Proteome-wide significance level in the ROSMAP dataset was set at p < 3.39×10-5 (adjusted by Bonferroni multiple testing correction method). Proteome-wide significance level in the ROSMAP dataset was set at p < 3.71×10-5 (adjusted by Bonferroni multiple testing correction method). Genes that were proteome-wide significant (CD38, GPNMB) in both brain proteomes are shown in red. Chr, chromosome.