Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 2 pp 1374—1389

Treadmill exercise can regulate the redox balance in the livers of APP/PS1 mice and reduce LPS accumulation in their brains through the gut-liver-kupffer cell axis


Figure 4. Inflammation-related factors and AOAH expression in the animals’ livers. (A) TLR4 mRNA relative expressions. (B) NF-κB mRNA relative expressions. (C) TNF-α mRNA relative expressions. (D) IL-1β mRNA relative expressions. (E) AOAH mRNA relative expressions (n = 6 in each group). (F) Representative images of IL-1β and TNF-α immunofluorescence staining in the animals’ livers. (G) Quantitative statistics of the mean fluorescence intensity of IL-1β. (H) Quantitative statistics of the mean fluorescence intensity of TNF-α (n = 4 in each group). The data are expressed as means ± SDs. # p < 0.05 and ## p < 0.01 compared with the WT group, and * p < 0.05 and ** p < 0.01 compared with the SE-AD group.