Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 2 pp 1111—1127

AMIGO2 is a pivotal therapeutic target related to M2 polarization of macrophages in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma


Figure 4. (A) The expression of AMIGO2 between normal samples and tumor samples of PDAC patients in TCGA datasets. (B) The expression of AMIGO2 between normal samples and tumor samples of PDAC patients in GSE60980 (Validation group). (C) The ROC curve of AMIGO2 in the combined GEO datasets group above. (D) The ROC curve of AMIGO2 in GSE60980 (Validation group). (E) Overall survival of PDAC patients with different expression of AMIGO2 in GEPIA. (F) Disease free survival of PDAC patients with different expression of AMIGO2 in GEPIA. (G) Overall survival of PDAC patients with different expression of AMIGO2 in KM plotter. (H) The GSEA results comparing AMIGO2-high group to AMIGO2-low group.