Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 1 pp 246—266

The potential value of the Purinergic pathway in the prognostic assessment and clinical application of kidney renal clear cell carcinoma


Figure 5. (A) Upon completing the initial analysis, we further explored the function and divergence of the Purinergic gene in KIRC. Using integrated machine learning techniques, we selected the most suitable algorithmic blend to construct a KIRC prognostic model based on the Purinergic gene. Rigorous validation was performed to ensure the model's precision. (B) Heat map showing the difference in Purinergic gene expression in KIRC tissue versus normal kidney tissue. The light blue color in the legend represents normal kidney tissue, and the light red color represents KIRC tissue. Red in the color bar indicates increased Purinergic gene expression, and blue indicates decreased Purinergic gene expression. * indicates P < 0.05, ** indicates P < 0.01, and *** indicates P < 0.001. (C) Forest plot showing 95% confidence intervals and risk ratio analysis for different Purinergic genes in KIRC. (D) Co-expression analysis between the nine Purinergic genes. The scatter plot represents the regression relationship between two Purinergic genes, and the correlation coefficients between two Purinergic genes are distinguished by color, with red indicating a positive correlation, blue indicating a negative correlation, and darker color indicating a stronger correlation.