Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 1 pp 246—266

The potential value of the Purinergic pathway in the prognostic assessment and clinical application of kidney renal clear cell carcinoma


Figure 1. (A) We retrieved data on Purinergic genes and cancer patients from various databases, and conducted comprehensive analyses on the cancer associations and methylation patterns of these Purinergic genes. (B) CNV frequencies of 32 Purinergic genes in 33 cancer types. Red represents CNV gain, blue represents CNV loss, and the bubble size represents the degree of gain/ loss. (C) SNV frequencies of 33 Purinergic genes in 33 different cancer types. Red represents high mutation frequencies, and blue represents low mutation frequencies. (D) mRNA expression levels of 32 Purinergic genes in 20 different tumor types. Red represents increased mRNA expression, and blue represents decreased mRNA expression. (E) Survival curve analysis of the statistically significant Purinergic genes in KIRC samples. The names of Purinergic genes are labeled at the top of the curves. Orange represents the high expression of this Purinergic gene, and the green represents the low expression of this Purinergic gene. (F) The plot of immunofluorescence results of Purinergic gene PANX1 in A431 and U-2-OS cell lines from the HPA database.