Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 2 pp 1049—1076

Prediction significance of autophagy-related genes in survival probability and drug resistance in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma


Figure 1. Unsupervised gene expression analysis of the discovery set of 119 DLBCL. (A) Consensus CDF with an increasing number of clusters (k2 to k6); (B) Delta area plot displaying the relative changes in the area under the CDF curve; (C) Consensus matrix heatmap defining 2 clusters of samples for which consensus values range from 0 (white) to 1 (blue); (D) Principal component analysis of the 80 autophagy-related genes between cluster 1 and cluster 2; (E) Gene expression profiles heatmap of the 80 autophagy-related genes across the two molecular subtypes. ECOG, stage, age, and gender classifications were ordered in colored columns and rows corresponding to 80 autophagy-related genes; (F) Kaplan-Meier curves of overall survival in the 2 molecular subtypes. CDF, cumulative distribution function.