Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 22 pp 13504—13541

Crosstalk between copper homeostasis and cuproptosis reveals a lncRNA signature to prognosis prediction, immunotherapy personalization, and agent selection for patients with lung adenocarcinoma


Figure 6. Extensive examination to investigate the correlation between CoCuLncSig and the tumor microenvironment status, immune cell infiltration, and immune function. (A) Boxplots compared the distribution of immune, stromal, and ESTIMATE scores between high and low-risk groups. The correlation of risk score with immune, stromal, and ESTIMATE scores was depicted using scatterplots. (B) Lollipop plots visualize the correlation of immune cell infiltration with CoCuLncSig scores. Here, the R language package “IOBR” generates the immune cell infiltration based on the training cohort data. (C) The heatmap demonstrates the immune cell infiltration distributions in high and low CoCuLncSig score population. (D) A Venn diagram (upper plot) depicts the intersection between the outcomes of the correlation analysis and the distributional differences. Word clouds (lower plot) were utilized to emphasize crucial immune cell-infiltrating cell types that emerged from this intersection. (E) The violin plots display variations in the immune function distribution between the high-risk and low-risk LUADs. CoCuLncSig: copper homeostasis and cuproptosis regulated lncRNA signature; LUAD: lung adenocarcinoma; A P-value below 0.05 was deemed as statistically significant. “ns” indicates non-significance, “*” represents a P-value below 0.05, “**” signifies a P-value below 0.01, “***” denotes a P-value below 0.001, and “****” indicates a P-value below 0.0001.