Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 23 pp 13799—13821

Integrating scRNA-seq and bulk RNA-seq to characterize infiltrating cells in the colorectal cancer tumor microenvironment and construct molecular risk models


Figure 2. A Single-cell atlas of CRC. (A) UMAP representation of scRNA-seq from CRC cells reveals 15 distinct clusters. (B) UMAP dimensional reduction visualizations single cells from tumour tissues and normal control tissues. (C) UMAP dimensional reduction visualizations single cells from six types of samples. (D) The heatmap showed the relative expression of genes in 15 clusters. The color yellow represents genes that are highly expressed, and the color purple represents genes that are lowly expressed. (E) Eight major cell types identified in CRC. (F) Pathway gene set enrichment analysis of the expression profiles for each cell-type.