Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 22 pp 13176—13193

Investigating EGF and PAG1 as necroptosis-related biomarkers for diabetic nephropathy: an in silico and in vitro validation study


Figure 1. Cell type and the identification of differentially expression genes (DEGs) in the scRNA-seq dataset. (A) The distribution of 27 cell clusters (0-26) in the GSE131882 dataset as determined by the UMAP algorithm. (B) Violin plot showing the expression levels of highly variable gene markers in different cell clusters. (C) Thirteen cell types were identified in the GSE131882 scRNA-seq data. (D) Circle plot of the top 5 GO and KEGG enrichments in the up-regulated DEGs. (E) Circle plot of the top 5 GO and KEGG enrichments in the down-regulated DEGs. Abbreviations: LOH, loop of Henle cell; CD-ICA, collecting duct type A intercalated cell; CT, connecting tubule cell; PEC, parietal epithelial cell; CD-ICB, collecting duct type B intercalated cell; PST, proximal straight tubule cell; DCT, distal convoluted tubule cell; PODO, podocyte cell; ENDO, endothelium cell; PCT, proximal convoluted tubule cell; FIB, fibroblast cell; MES, mesangial cell; LEUK, leukocyte cell; KEGG, the Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Genes and Genomes; GO, gene ontology; UMAP: uniform manifold approximation and projection.