Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 22 pp 13010—13040

Identification of topoisomerase 2A as a novel bone metastasis-related gene in liver hepatocellular carcinoma


Figure 4. DNA methylation alterations of TOP2A and gene mutation analysis associated TOP2A in LIHC from TCGA database. (A) The methylation level of TOP2A in LIHC. (B) Spearman correlation between DNA methylation and mRNA expression of TOP2A in LIHC. (C) Progress-free survival (PFS) curve of TOP2A methylation in LIHC. (D) Gene mutations associated with TOP2A in LIHC. (E) TOP2A expression level in different TP53 mutant status in LIHC. (F) Overall survival (OS) curve of TP53 mutation in LIHC. ***P < 0.001.