Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 13 pp 6380—6399

DSC2 suppresses the growth of gastric cancer through the inhibition of nuclear translocation of γ-catenin and PTEN/PI3K/AKT signaling pathway


Figure 9. Role of DSC2 in the survival of gastric cancer cells. (A) DSC2 binds the γ-catenin to decrease its nuclear level, thereby downregulating BCL-2 expression, which adjusts the expression of Cyto-C negatively, and upregulating P53 expression, which adjusts the PTEN/PI3K/AKT signaling pathway to promote the GC cell apoptosis. (B) Dissociated γ-catenin translocates to the nuclei of GC cells when DSC2 is destroyed or suppressed, thereby upregulating BCL-2 expression, which suppresses the expression of Cyto-C, and downregulating P53 expression, which adjusts the PTEN/PI3K/AKT signaling pathway to promote the GC cell survival.