Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 12 pp 5751—5774

Construction of a T-cell exhaustion-related gene signature for predicting prognosis and immune response in hepatocellular carcinoma


Figure 3. Construction of a TEX-related DEGs signature for prognosis. (A) 9 TEX-related DEGs show remarkable relevance to OS according to univariate Cox regression analysis. (B, C) The LASSO coefficient profiles were constructed from 9 prognostic TEX-related DEGs, and the tuning parameter (λ) was calculated based on the minimum criteria for OS with ten-fold cross-validation. five genes were selected according to the best fit profile. (D) Kaplan-Meier survival analysis of high- and low-TEXPM groups in the TCGA cohort. (E) ROC analysis for OS prediction including 1, 2, and 4 years of HCC patients in the TCGA cohort. (F) ROC curve analysis compares the predictive power of the MRS signature and other clinicopathological indicators in the TCGA cohort. (G) Kaplan-Meier survival analysis of high- and low-TEXPM groups in the ICGC cohort. (H) ROC analysis for OS prediction including 1, 2, and 4 years of HCC patients in the ICGC cohort. (I) OC curve analysis compares the predictive power of the MRS signature and other clinicopathological indicators in the ICGC cohort.