Priority Research Paper Volume 1, Issue 12 pp 979—987

Antioxidant N-acetyl-L-cysteine ameliorates symptoms of premature aging associated with the deficiency of the circadian protein BMAL1


Figure 2. Effects of continuous administration of NAC on development of eye pathology and muscle strength. (A) Frequency of cataracts in 30-week old and 45-week old Bmal1-/- mice raised on regular (closed bars) or NAC-supplemented (open bars) water. Each eye was counted independently; the percentage of cataracts was determined by dividing the number of cataracts by the total number of eyes, if an animal was dead at the time of observation, then the previous score for this animal was used. (B) Age-dependent changes in muscular strength of WT (green bars) and Bmal1-/- mice receiving regular (black bars) or NAC-supplemented (red bars) water. Muscular strength was evaluated as the ability of animals of indicated age to maintain their weight on the inverted grid. Each animal was tested five times, if the animal did not fall down for 30 sec the trial was counted as successful. The percentage of successful trials was calculated and plotted. No difference was detected between NAC-treated and control Bmal1-/- animals.