Research Paper Volume 1, Issue 6 pp 529—541

dSir2 mediates the increased spontaneous physical activity in flies on calorie restriction


Figure 3. Resveratrol rescues low activity of the flies on high-calorie diet. (A) Effect of 50 μM, 100 μM and 200 μM of resveratrol in 0.5X (0.5X 50Res, 0.5X 100Res, 0.5 200Res) and 1.5X (1.5 50Res, 1.5 100Res, 1.5X 200Res) food on CS male spontaneous physical activity compared to activity of flies on 0.5X and 1.5X food that contain ethanol (0.5 EtOH and 1.5 EtOH) used as resveratrol solvent. (B) Total daily spontaneous physical activity of male CS flies on 0.5X with 200 μM resveratrol (0.5 200Res) and 1.5X with μM 200 resveratrol (1.5 200Res) compared to the male flies on 0.5X and 1.5X food that contain ethanol (0.5 EtOH and 1.5 EtOH). The data are mean total 24s spontaneous activities collected independently for 3 vials with 10 flies each collected at age 9 (A) and 6 (B) days, except in A where there were 6 vials of 0.5X EtOH and 1.5X EtOH. A Tukey HSD post-hoc test was conducted on the food means to determine which means are pairwise statistical different from one another. Results of statistical analysis are in Supplementary Table 1A and Supplementary Table 1B. (C) Male yw wild type flies on 1.5X food with addition of 200 μM of resveratrol (1.5 200Res) have the highest activity compared to the flies on 1.5X EtOH, 0.5X 200Res and 0.5X EtOH. Flies were 3 (0.5X 200Res and 0.5X EtOH) and 4 (1.5XRes and 1.5EtOH) days old. Statistical significance was determined by using two-tailed Student's t-test with unequal variances.