Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 4 pp 3647—3673

Comprehensive analysis of disulfidptosis-related genes: a prognosis model construction and tumor microenvironment characterization in clear cell renal cell carcinoma


Figure 5. Identification of DRG-related genetic subtypes and their prognostic value. (A) Venn plot of differentially expressed genes between molecular subtypes. (B, C) GO and KEGG enrichment analysis of DEGs. (D, E) Two genetic subtypes (k = 2) were identified by consensus clustering analysis based on the expression of 268 prognosis-related DEGs. (F) Heat map illustrating the gene landscape in genetic subtypes A and B and its association with clinical characteristics. (G) DRGs are differentially expressed in different genetic subtypes. (H) Survival analysis of two genetic subtypes.