Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 16 pp 7909—7921

Reorganization of pancreas circadian transcriptome with aging


Figure 1. Differential and temporal gene expression signatures in aged pancreas. (A) Pairwise correlation of normalized gene expression (transcripts per million; TPM) for young and old RNA-Seq samples (n=12). Colors indicate the Pearson correlation. (B) Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of temporal gene expression from young and old mice samples (n = 12). (C) Top: Volcano plot showing differential gene expression profile with significantly (p < 0.05, fold change ≥ 1.5) upregulated (n = 133 genes) and downregulated (n = 251) genes in old mice when compared to young. (D) Enriched molecular pathways corresponding to up and downregulated genes. (E) Top: Venn diagram of rhythmic genes in young and old mice. Bottom: Heatmap of z-scored rhythmically expressed genes in young and old mice. Heatmaps are double plotted for time.