Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 15 pp 7533—7550

HBx promotes hepatocellular carcinoma progression by repressing the transcription level of miR-187-5p


Figure 8. miR-187-5p suppressed hepatoma cell proliferation, migration and invasion by sponging off CDH2 expression, which itself was inhibited by the HBx/E2F1/FoxP3 axis. HBx promoted the expression of E2F1, which increased the expression of FoxP3 by binding to the FoxP3 promoter region. Meanwhile, the miR-187-5p promoter was suppressed by FoxP3 binding. Furthermore, miR-187-5p sponged on the 3′UTR region of CDH2, thereby inhibiting the proliferation, migration, and invasion ability of HCC cells.